Company of heroes best infantry
Company of heroes best infantry

company of heroes best infantry

Paradropped Infantry (Airborne Battlegroup) Unlockable abilities include smoke-bombing runs, rocket strikes, and carpet-bombing. This tree is focussed on direct support from aircraft. You can field capable armour, but it's generally weaker than that of the Wehrmacht. You'll be vulnerable to artillery and anti-infantry units. Infantry can also rely on extensive air support to keep German tanks at bay. Special Forces Commandos can adapt to fight infantry or armour on the fly, while paradrops enable the US Forces to keep the pressure on the frontline. Tactical infantry assaults are this faction's strength. Paradrop abilities let you quickly reinforce your frontline with fresh soldiers, or drop soldiers behind enemy lines to harass your opponent from the rear. Paratroopers are an essential component of the US's fighting force. The US can access a wide range of air-support abilities from supply drops and reconnaissance aircraft to P-47 rocket strikes and devastating carpet-bombing runs.Īlongside the standard array of riflemen, engineers, and machine gunners, US Forces can also recruit specialised infantry units like Commandos, who are equipped with both BAR assault rifles and bazookas, making them highly flexible in combat. America's army is a capable fighting force in all departments, but it particularly excels in two areas: aerial supremacy and crack infantry units.

Company of heroes best infantry